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  • Purchase Firing

Purchase Firing

GST Included



Purchasing firing is for when you go over your weekly limit or if you are firing an oversize piece (over 25cm high).


There is 5kg firing included per week for unlimited members

2kg limit included for half members

(this is per week and cannot be transferred or built up)


Also If you have bought Shell Space Clay you don't need to buy firing for that clay unless it is over size.


Firing size limit is 25cm tall and 20cm wide. If your piece measures more than that then please pay an extra kg for each 10cm size increment. eg if 35 cm tall pay an extra $15 (1kg)


Please weigh your own clay or pieces and purchase firing before putting them on the firing shelf. There is a new scale that will make this easier for you to weigh together.


If you have a large  amount of pieces or you need to meet a deadline. Please book the kiln in advance. 



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